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Gamla SiQiong hydrochloride and sodium chloride injection |
source:Vitalpharms Company Ltd. Release date:2017/12/6 13:33:18 |
For gamla SiQiong hydrochloride sodium chloride injection need to pay attention to what issues? The following by the guangdong hydrochloric acid gamla SiQiong professionals to introduce: 1. Pregnant women and nursing mothers use: pregnant women unless must, unfavorable use. Nursing mothers need to be careful, if should stop breastfeeding when using this product. 2. Children's drugs: the safety of the children had not been determined, thus disabling. 3. The drug interactions: this product should not be mixed with other drug use. No adjustment of dosage is needed for medicine: 4. Elderly patients. If you want to know more or need gamla SiQiong hydrochloride, can contact our hydrochloride gamla SiQiong supplier, we will serve for you! |
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